The compact, space saving vertical four-pass shock-proof design has no tubes to loosen or burn out. The Hurst Vertical Tubeless Boiler allows convenient access to “eye high” burner and solid-state controls for trouble free operation. Factory assembled and fully automatic. UL and ASME CSD-1 approved. Simple and inexpensive to install.
Hurst boiler systems can be customed designed and engineered for each customer’s specific needs by providing packaged modules that are factory attached to steel skids, pre-piped and wired, all interconnections including:
- Feedwater Tank/Pumps
- Water Softener
- Water Treatment
- Boiler Blowdown
Each package system is compact, easily transported and quickly installed. The system can be supplied from our standard range or specially built to the customers’ requirement. Fully automatic control can be included as well as monitoring devices, feedwater conditioning and all the necessary fittings, pipe work and electrical wiring.