Price Pump Company is a primary producer of 50- & 60-hertz centrifugal pumps for a myriad of industries ranging in flows from 0.5 GPM to 580 GPM (1.89 1/min to 220 1/min) and pressures of up to 377 ft. (115 m). The list of applications for these pumps includes OEM, agricultural, laser, chemical, pollution control, semiconductor, reverse osmosis, water and waste treatment, construction, petro-chemical and many other industries. Price pumps are suitable for many types of liquid such as oils, water, chemicals and solvents as well as strong acid or alkaline solutions. Price pumps offer reliability and superiority at a competitive price. And if you’re in a hurry, Price Pump has a VIP (Very important Pump) program which offers same day Price Pump shipments from West Michigan for most of our Price pumps.